Contact Gift Tree Funds

how much can I earn

How Much Can I Earn?

Your supporters choose the level of monthly revenue they want you to receive.

Credit Card Processing

The following example is of a business that has annual sales of $1.2 million in transactions processed via credit cards. The medal level selected by your supporter translates into monthly revenue to your organization.

LevelMonthly RevenueAnnual Revenue

From the example above, 10 supporters giving at the Gold level could produce a monthly revenue of $4500, approximately $54,000 annually.

Electric Service

The following example is of a business that uses 1 million kWh of electricity annually. A small manufacturer or 2 to 3 restaurants can easily use a 1 million kWh of electricity. The medal level selected by your supporter translates into monthly revenue to your organization.

LevelMonthly RevenueAnnual Revenue

From the example above, 10 supporters giving at the Gold level could produce a monthly revenue of $2083.33, approximately $25,000 annually.

How many more good things could you do with an additional $79,000 of funds?

Start the process today by calling 330-475-7668 or click on the contact us link.